Why I am now on Medium
A long time ago, I used to blog. My last post was from 2013, it announced my DSL Engineering book. Blogging kinda fell by the wayside because, for the really brief stuff, Twitter became hip. And for serious writings, I publish at academic conferences. I like the rigour that is required to get mateiral into these venues.
However, recently the feeling started creeping up in me that there is a need for a middle ground: something more substantial than (often emotional) Tweets, and the significant effort that goes into a paper. My feeling is that these days, Medium is the place to put these things. I certainly won’t revive my blogspot.com blog.
So on this channel you will find rather shortish pieces on software language engineering. Some will be rants or creeds, some will peek into a technical topic, maybe then with links to papers, others might be interesting experiences in customer projects. I might also write some of those together with other software language engineers.
Stay tuned.